Our Process

We work with our condo associations on an individual basis. The coverage we offer you is tailored specifically to fit you and your associations needs. Our process includes reviewing your current condo documents to ensure that not only are they up to date and valid but that the current insurance forms work seamlessly with them as well.

Initial Review

We will tailor your condominium insurance program to compliment your condo documents so that there are absolutely no gaps in coverages. Each association is unique and has its own specific needs to be addressed in respect to insurance coverages. We often find ways to lower your premiums based on deductible selections, coinsurance percentages, and most importantly, implementation of a formal loss control program.

Insuring Across New England

The Value of Insuring With Us:

  1. Mistakes Happen The right coverage will prevent a small problem from becoming a big problem.
  2. Annual Review – This ensures that your association has the best program and premium available.
  3. Expertise – Highly devoted and educated account managers for each association.


We’re always here to assist you.


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